Joke, debacle, ridiculous, embarrassment, all those words came to mind as I watched "the decision" air on ESPN thursday night. In all my 20+ years of watching sports I have never seen something so blown out of proportion and egotistical in my entire life. Not only did Lebron James drag us along with his free agency circus act for the past two years, this past month has been an absolute nightmare for sports fans everywhere and tonight was just the cherry on top. I truly felt embarrassed for Lebron James. Kids sitting around awaiting his decision, commercial interruptions of him promoting vitamin water, it looked like a bad version of who wants to be a millionaire, although this show should of been called, who wants to be an selfless ego-maniac. Get over yourself Lebron, you are the biggest attention whore drama queen I have seen in sports in a long time. You make Terrell Owens look shy. All the proceeds go to the boys and girls club, please. If that's not the biggest cover up to try and take attention off sheer ego and self promotion, I don't know what is. Sorry Lebron, you may have some people fooled, but I'm not one of them.
I used to have respect for you, I didn't like you after what you did to the pistons in 2007, but I respected your abilities and what you meant to the future of the NBA. Whenever you came up in conversations I would always correct anyone who was speaking like an irrational Detroit Pistons fan and tell them how great you are for the NBA and the excitement you bring to the game. But now you are just fake to me, a sell-out, a self-riotous egomaniac. So everyone please, drink that hatorade like your shotgunning a beer and speak up as loud as you can, because its all completely justified.
In one fail swoop Thursday night Lebron James went from the so called "King" to Dwayne Wade's royal servant. You want to be known as a great in this league, you work for it. When the Lakers were in the dumps after Shaq left, did Kobe leave? When the Celtics didn't make the playoffs, did Paul Pierce bolt town? When MJ couldn't get past the Pistons all those years, did he leave Chicago? No, they all stayed and built lasting legacy's and gave the fans what they deserved. What they wanted, what they cheered for and spent their hard earned money on, seeing their star host a championship. Instead Lebron you sold-out, you gave up, you took the easy road. You abandoned a town that gave you everything to join someone elses team. You left join two other gold medal wining superstars because you didn't want to work hard enough and long enough to win it for the city of Cleveland . You left a town that held its breath on your every word and have fans that would give up their first born to keep you in a Cleveland Cavalier jersey. Your parting gifts, a huge kick straight to the cajones. You pretty much should of just sat in that chair and said, hello Cleveland, not only am I leaving the Cavalier organization, but I'm going to have my very own self promoting hour long show telling the whole world I'm leaving you behind and never looking back. All while providing the city with another agonizing reminder of how long its been since you have won a championship and how far you are from realizing that dream.
So congratulations Lebron. Not only have you become the biggest attention starved drama queen athlete in all of sports, you are now the most hated person in the history of Cleveland sports. Because of you, Art Modell has officially been forgiven, and that's saying something.
So Trev, how do you really feel. Hope your not losing any sleep over this. Lebron has been a primadona since high school, thanks to all the folks trying to find some significance in their life thru over paid niegels.